Monday, January 12, 2015


Sequential Illustration Concepts
ILL 562 – SEC M003
Spring Semester 2015
Monday 1:30am to 5:30pm
Shaffer Art Room 332
Instructor: Frank Cammuso

Class Objective
The class is designed to introduce students to the discipline of sequential illustration as it is practiced in comic books, graphic novels, comic strips, and storyboarding for film and animation. Students will record their observations, experiences and concepts in a sketchbook and then translate these ideas into a graphic narrative. We will explore the elements of storytelling, discuss the formal aspects of comics, and produce comic pages using this iconic visual language. The students will also become acquainted with the traditional skills and tools of the cartooning trade.

Pad of Bristol board 11x14 or larger
Inking tool, pen, brush, micron
Index Cards 3x5 or larger

Sketchbooks are the heart of this course. It is the birthplace of your ideas. The sketchbook doesn’t need to be expensive. You should find one that you are comfortable drawing and writing in. You will use it to work on class exercises, produce thumbnails for assignments, and for everyday doodles and scribbles. You are strongly encouraged to draw in your sketchbook everyday.

Class Policies
   No texting or phone calls during class. You will be given 2 warnings about texting in class, your 3rd offense will result in an automatic fail.
   All instruments that receive calls, messaging or anything else that makes a sound should be put on vibrate.
   If you receive an emergency phone call or text you should leave the classroom to answer it.

Presentation of assignments reflects attitude and is part of the classroom participation component of your grade.
Thumbnail sketches: Small sketches created in your sketchbook so you can see how your thoughts work on paper.  These sketches are for personal critiquing only. This method should help you see if an idea can work on paper. Since thumbnail sketches help you resolve your ideas, you should complete as many as possible.  A good amount of thumbnail sketches for each illustration assigned is 15 – 20.
Sketches: Your favorite thumbnail sketches that are presented for class critiques. These sketches should be cleaned up either by redrawing or copying and enlarging them on a printer to roughly 5 x 6”. Most importantly, rough sketches should be in proportion to the final illustration.  If the final image is going to be vertical, your rough sketch should be vertical.  You are required to bring in 3 rough sketches for each assignment.
Rough sketches:  should be clear, clean and easy to read. Rough sketches should be completed on white paper using black line and 3 values -black, gray and white, and composed of simple shapes that can be “read” from about 10 feet away.
Review assignment:  Assignments are evaluated by the class during
critiques but are not handed in.
Critique: A final review by the class and handed in at the end of class.

Important Dates
April 11 & 12, 2015 MoCCA Arts Festival
April 29, 2015 Senior Portfolio Day, Survey
December 18, 2015 Star Wars The Force Awakens

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is required. One absence for the semester will be tolerated; however, you are still responsible for turning in assignments on time. Two unexcused absences will lower your final grade by one letter grade.
 YOU WILL FAIL the course in the event of a THIRD absence! Mechanical failures (alarm clocks, car failure, etc.) are not valid excuses. Lateness of an hour or more will count as a half absence. Chronic lateness or skipping out early will also count towards an absence and will lower your grade. There is a TEN-minute grace period and then class will begin.

SYLLABUS: The syllabus is subject to change as the need arises.

SURVEY:  At the end of each semester, your work will be displayed and individually assessed by department faculty.  All illustration majors must participate in the end of the semester survey.

Grade Breakdown
Sketchbook drawings are worth 40%
Classroom drawings are worth 30%
Final project is worth 30%
You will receive additional credit for the following:
   Work done in your sketchbook
   Participation in classroom critiques
   Any additional reading or research on websites, blogs or articles
   Visiting museums and galleries
   Additional drawing, painting and experimenting
   Subscriptions to magazines
   A – 100% – 90%
   B – 80% – 89%
   C – 70% – 79%
   D – 60% – 69%

Incompletion of any assignment is an automatic failure. Any late assignments must be excused at least 2 days prior to due date with an adequate reason.
Three unexcused absences is an automatic failure.

Class Incompletes
Incompletes will be granted only in extenuating circumstances.  If you have a valid medical excuse or family emergency, and you’ve completed the bulk of course work for the semester, an incomplete is possible.  You are responsible for initiating the paperwork for an incomplete.

Disability Statement
Any student who needs special consideration in the course due to a disability of any sort, please make an appointment to discuss accommodations.

Students who are in need of disability-related academic accommodations must register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS), 804 University Avenue, Rm. 309, 315/443-4498.  Students with authorized disability-related accommodations should provide a current Accommodations Authorization Letter from ODS to the instructor and review those accommodations with the instructor.   Accommodations, such as exam administration, are not provided retroactively, therefore, planning for accommodations as early as possible is necessary.  For further information, see the ODS website,